An Ounce Of Prevention Costs A LOT Less Than A Pound Of Cure!

Scale Pay later graphic

Despite the advent of the American Health Care Act (“Trumpcare”) – with its promise of comprehensive healthcare coverage and reform – does this REALLY mean we’re on the brink of a healthful revolution in the United States? A recent study conducted shows, despite having healthcare coverage either provided through employers or privately contracted, a startling […]

A Family Legacy Can ALSO Include SMILES!

Young dental patients brushing their teeth

In addition to just concluding #NationalMakeAWillMonth in August, today we celebrate #GrandparentsDay here in the U.S. And while some of the observances we note may not readily appear to lend themselves to Dentistry, today’s topic may seem even further from the beaten path than usual! However, it gave us an interesting perspective on the legacy […]

Suffering From TMJ Disorder? Your Fort Worth & Arlington General and Family Dentist Can Help!

Dentist examining patient xrays

Do you frequently have jaw pain, trouble chewing, or experience recurrent jaw clicking or popping? You may be suffering from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Disorder – a common condition that affects over 35 million people in the U.S. Often abbreviated TMD or TMJD, this disorder affects women more than men – in fact, about 90% of […]